Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

Ok, somebody stop me. There is such a thing as being over-prepared, right?

I tend to gather lots of information before I go somewhere. I put it all in a Word file and print it out before I leave. It's my own personal mini-guidebook of sorts, heavy on the food info. Add to that print outs of train schedules and let's not forget copies of all the hotel confirmations.
This time, I've put it on the Lifedrive, printed out copies of each city for my Mom to carry and emailed copies to myself.
Did I mention that each city's notes was packaged in it's own labeled ("PRAGUE") zip-lock bag?

And then I wonder, should I give her the hotel confirmations? Can I trust her not to lose them?

What is wrong with me?

Next, I printed out a copy of my passport and a list of all of our hotels to put in an outer pocket of my suitcase, in case I have to check it and in case it gets lost. Plus a copy of the hotel list for Mom's suitcase too (her luggage does have a tendency to get delayed).

Help me. The travel tyrant is rearing her ugly head again.

36 hours and counting.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Trsut me not to lose them??
Hmmm, I think you need an intervention....